Watch out if you spot these small pink eggs on a wall — it’s a bad sign for your home.

If you spot small, bright pink eggs on walls or plants, it could be a sign of an apple snail infestation. These snails, native to South America, are highly invasive and pose a serious threat to ecosystems. They lay clusters of pink eggs containing hundreds of future snails. Once hatched, they spread quickly, damaging aquatic plants, crops, and local wildlife. In rice paddies, they cause significant crop and economic losses.

Apple snails reproduce rapidly and adapt easily, making them one of the world’s top 100 invasive species. They’ve already invaded North America, Europe, and Asia, where they disrupt ecosystems and agriculture. Their feeding habits destroy vegetation, degrade water quality, and threaten food sources for other animals.If you find pink egg clusters, act fast: scrape them off and inform local authorities. While research into biological controls is ongoing, manual removal and public awareness are key to managing their spread. Staying vigilant can help protect gardens and natural habitats from the damage apple snails cause.

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